Monday, June 13, 2011


Jenny and Larry made it to Delaware and in pretty good time. So, yesterday, Jenny, Sandy and I decided to take the Lewes, Delaware to Cape May, New Jersey ferry. We had tried several years ago to make this trip and when we got to the ferry we found out we had missed the last boat.

This time we got to the terminal in plenty of time and here's Sandy and Jenny (on right) on board the Cape Henlopen boat. We had a beautiful day, even though weather forecasters were calling for storms.

Here's one of the boats, there were two available for the ferrying of passengers and vehicles.

This is a map with Lewes on the far left, the ferry boat in the middle and Cape May on the far right. The trip takes about 90 minutes and they have a bar, restaurant (of sorts), games and gift shop. Once we got off the boat in Cape May, Jenny was really tired from walking, so we stopped to let her catch her breath. When we got ready to catch the bus into Cape May, we discovered we had missed it and the next boat wasn't coming for another 90 minutes. So we decided to eat in the terminal, and had a pretty decent meal for a very reasonable price. Then we caught the next bus and made it, finally, to Cape May. Jenny decided to stay at the welcome center, since she didn't feel as if she could walk very far, so Sandy and I took off for the center of the shopping area. It's a very quaint Victorian type shopping area, very reminiscent of St. Augustine, Florida. The entire mall area is much like the downtown Memphis mall, all bricked in with no vehicles allowed on the mall. Shops of all types and Sandy and I visited several. Then we found the local ice cream parlor and bought ourselves one with one for Jenny. Even though Sandy and I walked quickly back to the welcome center, Jenny's ice cream became more of a shake by the time we got back.

Here's another picture of Jenny sitting in the rocking chair in Sandy and Tom's living room. She just got a new phone, so she's very intent in getting it to work.

And, finally, here's my brother-in-law. We all had a good laugh over this picture of him.

I also took my camper in this morning to have it worked on. So far, it's about 3:30 in the afternoon, and I've heard nothing from them. Hope they can at least get to it today to let me know what they will need to do to fix it.

Hope all are well, enjoying their Monday, either at work or at play!!! Coley, glad you finally made it back to the States!!! Hugs and Kisses to all!!!!

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