Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Bucket List Opportunity!!!!!!!!

I've been in Delaware for several days and part of what I've been doing is enjoying a new litter of German Shorthair puppies, seven in all. They are 8 weeks old now and absolutely the cutest puppies ever. However, has anyone ever seen an ugly puppy?????
Here's my sister, Sandy, checking out their baby teeth to see if everyone is doing OK in that department. Having my big toe chewed on by several of these "monsters", I can attest to the fact their teeth are just fine.

This is one of my favorite shots, the puppies are running around the tree through Sandy's irises. As you can see, the irises are flattened but the puppies are having a great time. They love to play tug-of-war, they will chew on anything unless you watch them carefully, and they are so cute trying to get up and down the stairs leading into the house. Many a puppy has done a belly flop trying to jump down off the step, and just like kids have no fears, these little ones are apt to jump from the porch down into the flower beds, three steps high.

This is my personal favorite of all the pups. A cute female with the only solid white tail. All the others have a brown spot at the tail area. Except for some spots in her white coat, she has a solid brown head and white body. She's got a really cute personality also. Sandy thought she was going to be shy, but I believe she's finding herself and starting to step up her game. Beverly, this is the pup I told you about. I think Joe would love this one to have as his companion. What do you think???
Now, imagine if you will, seven adult dogs, all the same breed. They each have their own kennel, both a covered area and a "run" area. Sandy decided on Sunday she wanted to power wash each of the seven kennels. So of course I offered to help. The kennels had not been power washed for quite a few months, so many of them had a green mold growing up the walls. Sandy did the first one, I did the next and we alternated back and forth. If you've never had dog crap and green mold bulleted up into your face, you're really missing something. I told Sandy "now I can mark this off my bucket list of things I'd like to do before I die." She said "you have a really weird bucket list!!!" She also said, "bet you've never had this much fun at any of your other sister's houses." She's got a point there. So, all my sisters have a challenge now, to make it to the top of my bucket list!!!! I'm sure someone can beat this experience, but I'm not sure how!!! Ain't life grand!!!!

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