Tuesday, June 28, 2011


It is an unusual time we are in right now. There are so many earth challenges happening in so very many places that every time I turn on the TV another catastrophe has occurred. Currently there are wildfires burning in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Florida. Thousands of acres of precious life sustaining trees have been burned thusfar and many people have either lost their homes due to the fires or have been asked to leave until further notice.
In North Dakota, nearly 11,000 people were evacuated when the river flowing through Minot crested several feet above flood level causing the entire valley to flood.
My dear friend who lives in Palm Coast, Florida has been keeping me informed about the brushfires in northeastern Florida. Over 5,000 acres have burned thusfar and as of today it is only 50% contained. (In an earlier post I spoke about the beautiful rainbows created by the plumes of water used to water the golf course. What makes it even more special is that all of the water used to water the golf course and the landscape is reclaimed water or grey water. Nice conservation effort.)
My twin is in Albuquerque, New Mexico where a recent fire in the Los Alamos area has forced friends of hers to leave their jobs and their home. The fire is within a half mile from Los Alamos Labs and at night the flames can be seen as far away as Albuquerque, 80 miles south.
These are just a few of the many earth challenges occurring in our country. There are so many more both here and abroad causing many of us to wonder what is going on, when will it end, and what will happen to all of us afterwards?
It is difficult not to go into fear and to question our faith when difficult times are upon us. However, having lived in a community of lightworkers for many years and participated in many prayers circles, I know the power of collective prayers.
As you read this, take a few moments to offer up words of the highest vibration of Love. Hold the image of our earthly Mother coming into balance, the rains falling in those areas most needed, the rivers shrinking back within their banks, the air quality fresh and clean, life renewing itself, and all of creation finding a sense of peace and harmony. Whether you hold these images or others, please move into your heart and send that energy out into your world. Join with thousands of like-minded people around the world as we vision a new heaven on earth.
As always, I am deeply honored by your presence in my life. Om Shanti Om!!!!!!

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