Saturday, March 31, 2012


The day after I posted my "Spring Has Sprung" message, I received this from a dear friend of mine: "Hello, Corky, my love, my dear dear friend of many lifetimes..........My first thing to look at when I got to my computer this morning was your blog.......becauseI woke up with you on my mind. divine flow, everything happens for a reason, follow spirit...........)I do not claim to know much.......I can only tell of my experience of this lifetime. Like you, I have chosen to accomplish a great deal of growth in this lifetime. I, too, have been perceived as a strong woman; enduring so many
deep losses, living through so many times where it seemed that no one could help me in managing the hardships, the agony. Each of these times are firewalks, love. Deep inside we KNOW we are never alone, Corky, that we can bear anything life gives us - yet in times of physical tiredness and emotional weakness we sometimes just want to 'not bear the brunt' of what we have made our lives to be (What WAS I thinking??!!).....(even Jesus was said to have cried out wondering why he was left alone to do what he had chosen for himself to do - even though he KNEW only he could do what had to be done, for himself - it wouldn't have worked any other way)......and truthfully, Corky love - would we have it any other way? Aren't the "hard times" that we go through, seemingly alone, exactly what bring up "the proof is in the pudding" for us? Truthfully, would we want to have someone ALWAYS there to lean on, to make our chosen path easier for us? We both have many friends, people who love us despite our frailties, and theirs. They are there for us most of the time. That is what makes those times when they seem to not be there stand out in our minds. I have come to believe that the times when we are "on our own" and feeling overwhelmed are our times of doing/being what we came here to do/be. These are the times of our proving, to ourselves, who we are......and so we grow......and we keep growing. Our friends and family have to live their own life, to do their own growing........just as we do.They cannot make our lives their lives.........they can only be a part of it- and we can only cherish them. We are there sometimes for them; they are there sometimes for us. Always, we are there for ourselves. Sometimes, we are on our own - but never ever alone. Love is ALWAYS with us. I could go on and on..........I'll stop here. I love you. You are always in my heart, very often in my thoughts - you are a part of me, a part of my life and I am glad. You are precious, and I love you to pieces and admire the hell out of you."
Also, from another friend on the same day: "Sometimes you need the help of a friend, until you are able to move mountains again." Lee Ching thru Tina Stover (says it all!!!) Thanks for the love!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Memphis is all abloom, the beautiful azalea bushes are displaying their gorgeous blooms that catch the eye no matter where you are. This beautiful bush caught me and I had to stop to take this picture. Just imagine these bushes everywhere with these amazing bursts of color. This is one of the things I love the most about living in the South.
I am in the throes of preparing for my firewalk workshop over the Easter weekend. If you've ever participated in a workshop of this caliber, you know that, days before the scheduled event, all kinds of emotional "garbage" comes up for you. So that by the time the actual workshop arrives, you're pretty well spent emotionally. This time has been no exception. On Sunday afternoon, I experienced a serious meltdown. So much so, I was literally sobbing while my friend, Shelia, held me in her arms. Most of what was coming up for me was the fact that nearly everything I do in my life, I do it along. This includes getting workshops ready, which sometimes feels overwhelming. What never ceases to amaze me is the fact that my friends and family see me as "such a strong woman", who never seems to need anyone. Why is it that whenever someone, especially a woman, takes charge of her life, living on purpose, making her way and her own decisions about her life, that suddenly or all too often she doesn't "need" anyone else. Not so!!!
No matter how strong or self-sufficient a person seems, there is always a time when all they would like to do is hand over the reins of their life to someone else, even if it's only for a moment. There is always a time when the idea of just being held and comforted strikes to the very core of their soul. So as my friend or as my family, know that I have the same needs and wants as you. I embrace my life and live it fully because to wait on this "other" to enter my life has not happened. It was never my idea to wait for the perfect partner to come along before I stepped out into the world. Where would my life had journeyed if I'd waited. So, when you think of me, think of the whole me, not just the strong, independent woman standing before you, but a woman just like you, human in all ways, with highs and lows, wants and needs, and a desire to be surrounded by people who really love me. If you're reading this, you're already one of those people in my life...and I thank you for being here!!!
This picture to the left is hanging at my favorite coffee shop, Otherlands. I loved the intricacy of the drawing, the feel of the "journey" from beginning to end. My life is such a journey! I feel so blessed and enriched by all the experiences I've the opportunity to participate in! Again, let the adventure begin!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


What an interesting weekend. I had three pet-sitting jobs running concurrently. One of the three was simply a drive-by for cats, so that was the easy part. The other two were within 15 miles of each other, so not too difficult.
This beautiful room gives some indication of the luxury I was able to spend some time at. An absolutely gorgeous home, about 4000 square feet, with a wonderfully large yard surrounded by trees, shrubs and flowers. Got in for the evening about 7pm and settled in for a night of relaxation and pampering.
Here's the precious baby I was taking care of. Her name is Petunia and she had never laid eyes on me before I walked in on Friday evening. I call her my "flower" child. She's so loving, never meets a stranger and literally showed me the ropes by going to her kennel without me asking.
This morning, however, as I loaded up all my bags to head home, discovered I could not find the key. What in the world could I have done with it?! I spent the next hour re-tracing my steps, emptying out my pockets, not once but at least four times, taking everything out of my purse at least twice, looked under cushions, ran my hands across the entire counter area in the kitchen, even drove back an hour after I left to see if by some chance it had fallen on the driveway. No luck!!! I know nothing is ever lost in the universe, but this really bugs me. I'm usually so conscious of things like glasses, phone and especially keys.
I also acknowledge recently having a conversation about drama in other peoples lives and not mine. "Let she who is without sin, cast the first stone!" Guess it's time for my stoning!!! Over the next couple of weeks as I prepare for the firewalk, I'm sure my being fully conscious will be a true necessity and perhaps this is a message for me to shape up, stay centered and remember to breathe. Despite the drama, I am truly enjoying my day!!! Hope you are also!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


After spending 10 days basking in the warmth of the Costa Rican sun, Beverly is back at home. As you can see in the photos, Joe is over-joyed at her return.
Joe loves to climb up on things like you or the furniture and, of course, the bed. I'm not one for letting dogs climb on furniture, so I was quite the taskmaster when it came to him climbing up on me or the couch. He did, however, sleep every night in the bed with me.
Bev, on the other hand, is OK with all of it. I told Joe once I left he could return to his "sinful" ways, which I'm sure he has.
As I was trying to get a picture of them both, Joe decided, since he believes he's just a "little" dog anyway, why not climb up in his "mom's" lap. So, here he is trying to make himself comfortable. At one point, I thought he was going to wrap himself around Beverly like a fox fur wrap. Can't you just see his head curled around the front of Bev while wrapping his legs and tail around the other way.
I left NOLA around 11am, headed back to Memphis. I made a pit-stop in Madison, Mississippi to chat with my friend, Robert Pickenpaugh. Robert is an incredible potter and has a wonderful shop just a few miles from Jackson, Miss. Once I got back on the road, the only other stop I had to make was at Bev's parents' home to drop off a few packages. Her parents live in Southaven, Miss., so not too far off my path.
I arrived in Lakeland about 6pm, not too bad a drive. Here's a little something I heard on the Splendid Table on NPR. Lynn Rossetto Casper declared this to be a Buddhist dinner prayer: "In this plate of food I see the entire world supporting my existance." Isn't that awesome!!! I can see offering up this same prayer as I'm doing most anything, like driving, sleeping, walking, etc. Just change the words a little and see what happens.
On that note, I say goodnight and pleasant dreams!!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012


How's this for an image. We are in the year of the dragon, which is considered to be a powerful symbol of divine protection and good fortune.
I'm hosting a "Breath of the Dragon" firewalk on April 7 & 8, Easter weekend. What an awesome time to be walking on fire. When Christians are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, we will be celebrating the resurrection of "the Christ" in each of us, as we reconnect with our Higher Power in order to cross the fire. My friend, Chris, came up with this picture of the dragon for my flyer. I'll be e-mailing flyers soon, so keep your eyes open for your personal invite to come and play with me.

I just received this picture from my nephew's wife, Amanda. This is my great-niece, Alisa, who's daughter is my sister, Lisa's, child. Lisa passed in 2000, so she never got to see this baby girl, but she named after her grandmother. The boy is Kaleb, my great-nephew, who is the child of Lisa's son, Ricky. Lisa would be so proud of these two babies and I know she is watching over them both from her seat in heaven.
A couple of days ago, I was in the grocer store, here in New Orleans. I "happened" to ask a woman in the cheese section a question and she and I began to talk. It turns out she is getting ready to record a CD, in Nashville, of John Denver songs. She performs at the John Denver celebrations in Aspen, Colorado every year. What an amazing woman, in fact, she mentioned a song that was going to be on her CD and I didn't recognize it. She started singing to me right there in front of the cheese section. As she was singing, I felt as though John Denver was right there, somehow singing in the background. I could see his smiling face shining through hers. I told her what happened for me and I got chills as I said it. Her name is Cathy Gianfala-Carriere, so file that away and check for her CD coming out, I hope very soon.
So, country roads take me home, to the place I belong!!!