Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Memphis is all abloom, the beautiful azalea bushes are displaying their gorgeous blooms that catch the eye no matter where you are. This beautiful bush caught me and I had to stop to take this picture. Just imagine these bushes everywhere with these amazing bursts of color. This is one of the things I love the most about living in the South.
I am in the throes of preparing for my firewalk workshop over the Easter weekend. If you've ever participated in a workshop of this caliber, you know that, days before the scheduled event, all kinds of emotional "garbage" comes up for you. So that by the time the actual workshop arrives, you're pretty well spent emotionally. This time has been no exception. On Sunday afternoon, I experienced a serious meltdown. So much so, I was literally sobbing while my friend, Shelia, held me in her arms. Most of what was coming up for me was the fact that nearly everything I do in my life, I do it along. This includes getting workshops ready, which sometimes feels overwhelming. What never ceases to amaze me is the fact that my friends and family see me as "such a strong woman", who never seems to need anyone. Why is it that whenever someone, especially a woman, takes charge of her life, living on purpose, making her way and her own decisions about her life, that suddenly or all too often she doesn't "need" anyone else. Not so!!!
No matter how strong or self-sufficient a person seems, there is always a time when all they would like to do is hand over the reins of their life to someone else, even if it's only for a moment. There is always a time when the idea of just being held and comforted strikes to the very core of their soul. So as my friend or as my family, know that I have the same needs and wants as you. I embrace my life and live it fully because to wait on this "other" to enter my life has not happened. It was never my idea to wait for the perfect partner to come along before I stepped out into the world. Where would my life had journeyed if I'd waited. So, when you think of me, think of the whole me, not just the strong, independent woman standing before you, but a woman just like you, human in all ways, with highs and lows, wants and needs, and a desire to be surrounded by people who really love me. If you're reading this, you're already one of those people in my life...and I thank you for being here!!!
This picture to the left is hanging at my favorite coffee shop, Otherlands. I loved the intricacy of the drawing, the feel of the "journey" from beginning to end. My life is such a journey! I feel so blessed and enriched by all the experiences I've the opportunity to participate in! Again, let the adventure begin!!!!

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