Wednesday, December 22, 2010


The other day we were going to Liberia with Mike and Freckles to do some Christmas shopping. Before we got out of Coco, we stopped at the local bank to get cash for our purchases. Coley and Freckles neither one had any problem, but when I went to get money out of my account, I got an "insufficient funds" message. Very odd, since I knew I had plenty of money in that particular account.

Mike was kind enough to stop at their house to let me go on-line to check my balance. As it turned out, the internet was down so I was unable to access the information. Very strange, indeed! We got back into the car after deciding we'd try a different bank in Liberia, perhaps the bank's internet had gone down just as I was trying to get my money out. As we got back into the car, I said to the group "well, I guess Coley and Freckles' lesson is about prosperity and abundance and my lesson is about lack." Then I told them about the lesson for the day from Mark Nepo's book The Book of Awakening: Having the Life you Want by Being Present to the Life you Have, was about "believing". So as I sat in the back seat thinking about my bank account, I went into a state of calmness and affirmed for myself all was well, everything was in Divine Order, and nothing was happening that God didn't already know about. I began to breathe into myself the truth of these thoughts and in just a very short time, I started to feel an ease and relaxation begin to fill my body.

We spent the entire day in Liberia, with Coley making all of our purchases. We returned to our condo about 3:30 that afternoon, just in time for me to call the Credit Union to see what was happening with my account. I was told there had been some "unusual " activity on my account and they had blocked access to my card. I also found out that I could have it unblocked at any time, which I decided to do the next day in order to get cash out. Afterwards, I again called the Credit Union and asked them to again block the card until after the holidays, just in case anyone might be trying to use it again.

I remember a time in my life in the not-too-distant past when an episode of this nature would have sent me reeling with fear of losing all my money, not having enough to take care of my needs and feeling totally out of control. This "opportunity" allowed me to see how different my life has become, how my attitude towards money has shifted, and also my way of dealing with the issue, by immediately using the "tools" I've been given of affirmation and breath work. At the same time, looking at how my beliefs have also shifted, especially about money and finances.

So, I ask you, what are your personal beliefs around money? How are these beliefs serving you? Do you feel uplifted, enhanced, delighted about where you're at when it comes to your personal finances, or are you always "robbing Peter to pay Paul", or worrying about whether or not you'll have "enough" to make it through the day, the week, or even the month?

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