Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What the heck was I thinking?!

One would think that being in a virtual paradise, would naturally lead one to find a sense of deep peace and relaxation, not to mention a sense of pleasure and joy at being able to spend inordinate amounts of time soaking up the sun.

I, however, have way too much time on my hands. Don't get me wrong, I am truly in paradise, but my idea of paradise for the past several years (24 to be exact) was my beautiful apartment filled with all my "things", where I could go and shut out the rest of the world, if needed. Or, as was often the case, I could drive to the local theatre and lose myself in one of the most recent releases, now many of which are offered in 3d.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really not complaining. I mean, after all, what do I have to complain about. The temperature here is about 85 to 90 degrees right now with very little humidity. The sky is a beautiful clear blue, with a smattering of white clouds. I have access to the Pacific ocean, less than a 10 minute walk to a beautiful sandy beach, or, if not the beach, then walk downstairs to the pool just below our condo, surrounded with gorgeous flowering plants and shrubs. So, what's there to complain about.

I read a book right before I got here, given to me as a retirement gift by my friend, Douglas, called 12 x12, A One-Room Cabin Off the Grid and Beyond the American Dream, by William Powers. It was a fascinating true story of William Powers journey of self discovery when he moved into a 12 x 12 structure in North Carolina, totally off the grid, but self-sustaining. Every day he woke to the same room, the sameness of each day which came down to personal survival, eating, sleeping, some physical activity and filling in the hours of each day without television, radio, or any of the modern conveniences. At the beginning, he found it very difficult to immerse himself in his "home", and questioned his sanity about choosing such a primitive way of living.

My friend, Melanie, who also read the book, says I'm living my 12 x 12 experience and I must say there is some truth to that. I wonder at how things would feel to me here if I had access to a car and to being more mobile. Every day is the same and yet different. Every day begins with a cup of coffee outdoors and ends with a reading session in bed. The hours in between vary little as well. One of my greatest blessings is rediscovering my relationship with my twin. One of my challenges is honoring my Truth, following my Path and continually moving back into the energy of Love. With all this time on my hands, it is a moment by moment exercise.

My spiritual community, my book study group and my friends in Memphis and Mentone have given me several "shots in the arm", boosting me back to a different perception of my life and the work I continue to do to bring every area of my life back into balance.

So, to each of you who hold me in your hearts with great love, I say thank you!!! You know who you are and you know I send love back to each of you in this very moment!!!!!

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