Saturday, March 5, 2011


Just in case you don't believe we were actually in Nicaragua, well, the proof is in the picture. Here we are looking fresh and ready to go. Behind us is Nicaragua, in front of us is Costa Rica. Going through the border is quite the experience. We were herded into a little room, with no air-conditioning, only fans, and thank goodness we were the only ones standing in line. We filled out the form, placed $12.00 in the passport along with the form and handed it all to the border agent. Once our passports were stamped we walked outside to pass through "the hole in the fence" where we placed a dollar bill inside our passport. As we handed the passport to the border guard, another one surreptiously slid the dollar bill out and the other one checked our stamp and ushered us through. I'm still wondering whose pocket those dollars end up in, supposedly the dollar is a "voluntary" contribution.

We got into a taxi and headed for Granada, about 2 hours from the border. The driver spoke no English, but fortunately Mike speaks some Spanish, so we made it to our guest house, The Blue Dolphin. Here's Coley standing in front of the house.

This is the pool area, notice the blue dolphins in the pool. At the back of the pool under the canopy was a large table with chairs where we played games and had our breakfast the last morning we were there. We were outside of Granada, about 7 minutes by taxi, so it was very quiet and relaxing being there. There were about 8 rooms to let and the owners stayed on the premises. Breakfast was included in the price, and we spent about $25.00 per person per night.

As you can see we are relaxing in the rockers just inside from the pool area. Mike, Freckles and I were pooped after the drive from the border, not to mention needing to cool off. I've already got my swimming suit on and will be in the pool in short order.

Here's some of the local taxi's. We did not ride in any of these, but they are seen everywhere in Granada.

These are the carriages which take the tourists around the central part of Granada. You can see a little of the color of buildings, very brightly colored, very reminiscent of South Beach, Florida, and also of the French Quarter, New Orleans, with quite a bit of iron fencing and window bars.
Tomorrow, the rest of the story! I'll show you some of the pictures from the tour we took on Thursday, what a fantastic day we had!!!
Until then, vaya con Dios!!!!

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