Saturday, March 12, 2011

Going to The Beach

This will probably be my last trip to any of the outlying beaches. My time is coming to a close for this season, so Mike and Freckles wanted to take me to a beach I had not been to, so we drove to Tamarindo to take Negra to the vet. However, even after setting up the appointment, the vet was not in the office, so Negra got to spend the day at the beach without her partner in crime, Paco.

Here's Coley and Freckles on the beach at Flamingo. It's really one of the most beautiful beaches in Costa Rica.

Here's Mike and Negra getting ready for the next wave. Negra has had surgery on her left rear paw, but she did great in the water, which she loves, not to mention how much she loves being with Mike. Negra is a rescue pit bull, but she's a real sweetheart and one of my pet-sitting babies.

No trip is complete without a stop at one of the local sodas (family owned restaurants). This one is quite a lovely one, on the beach, and the tables are solid wood with the thatched roofs. Unfortunately word has it this particular restaurant is going to be closed down since it's not far enough back from the ocean. There's not alot of sodas with this very cool ambience, so it will be a loss for all of us.

The good news is I've found the perfect camping area. I couldn't wait to get a picture of it. As you can see, it's not advertised in a big way, so we almost missed the sign.

Here's the campground. As you can see there's a little shack, I guess if it rains you'll have someplace to go. There's even a toilet available, you can just see the top of it in the background.
Who needs alot of frills? Hell, who needs any frills? I didn't check on the price, but I'll bet it fits into my budget. Anyone want to join me?
By this time next week I will be in Memphis, Tennessee, reconnecting with friends and revisiting old haunts. Even though I'll be happy to be back on American soil, it will be really hard to leave here and leave my twin. I'm going to miss her alot. But, back here again next winter!!!!
See some of you next week and others, I hope real soon!!!!

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