Monday, January 9, 2012


Here's another view of the pool area, but this one is taken from the patio area where Shelia and I sit to play games and to enjoy the warmth of the sun.
This particular day, however, is totally overcast and we had to play in the dining room with the large glass lazy susan. Oh, boo hoo!!!!!

I wanted to take a picture of this wall. These are metal plates, each one with multiple colors and each attached to a metal rod at the back. It's nearly 7 ft. long and 3.5 ft high. It sits on the opposite wall from the fireplace and is directly opposite the door as you come into the room. As you can see it is quite lovely.

Here's my favorite of the three dogs. Her name is Southy and her former life was very brutal. She even had been shot and still has the bullet in her hind leg. She bares her teeth at you, but Shelia was told that's what she does when she smiles at you. She is the sweetest dog and was rescued by this couple, thank God. She's a mixed breed and weighs about 15 lbs. She is allowed to sleep on the couch and has her own bed in the master bedroom.

I took another picture of the kitchen just to give you some idea of the enormous size of this home. The counter tops, including the island you see here, have granite counters. It makes it nice when you're cutting up food since you can't ruin these. I have, however, managed to burn up the handle on the french press and to boil over the soup. It's a very powerful gas range, but I really love cooking on it.
So, here's my gang story. On Saturday, Shelia and I decided to visit the antique store. I believe I have already mentioned this in another post. What I'm not sure I told you was I wore my red cotton knit pj bottoms and my red t-shirt pj top to the store along with my red Alaska jacket. Later, Shelia was talking to Chris, her partner, and we were told that's the new "gang" look in the mexican gangs. The girls wear their pj bottoms out to shop. When we heard that Shelia said "so, that's why we were treated so good at the mexican restaurant!!!" Yeah, that's right, I'm cool!!! Want to be in my gang?! Speaking of gangs, have you heard about the ROMEO clubs, Retired Old Men Eating Out. No joke, they really exist, I've met one of the "gang" members!!!

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