Monday, January 2, 2012


Yesterday was a better day for Shelia and her family. Still difficult, very sad, but better. Here's Shelia in the formal dining room at our estate home. Various shades of brown, with ambers and golds around the room.

One of the things I love about this lovely home are the light fixtures. They are all various shades of beige, some with antiqued gold frames holding the lamps and others, like the huge ceiling light in the informal dining area. It looks like a huge upside down "coolie" hat. I'll put a picture of it up soon.
Later in the evening, after having a delicious meal of ham, black-eyed peas, with other accoutrement, we prepared to do our New Year's ceremony. Because the weather was so beautiful, and fairly comfortable temperatures, we sat on the porch, lit our candle, had the yellow and white feather the cocatoo offered up for our use, joined hands and offered up a prayer and set the intention for the evening.
I decided we could "divine" some wisdom for our year from the Osho Zen Tarot. Out of the entire deck, we each drew two cards and Shelia and I both drew a "fire" card and a "clouds" card. Believe me, out of all the cards this is highly amazing that we each got one of each of the same "suit". Just as an aside, the first card I drew was the 4 of Fire (4 my power number and fire the source of my spiritual learning). Our messages for this coming year are "Traveling", "Morality", "Participation", and "Control". Each one of these words conjure up different ideas and beliefs surrounding them, and for us it offers up the opportunity to be fully present in our experience, and to look at our own "stuff" regarding each.

We both spoke out what our goals are for this year, my primary one being keeping my enthusiasm up for moving my physical body back into alignment in order to prepare for the El Camino pilgrimage in 2013. We are also offering up the energy of "living large" in a large world, and being able to stay at even more beautiful places.
In case you don't recognize her, this is my buddy Shelia in her ceremony garb. Believe me she is aghast I'm even posting this! She's a real pooh-pooh queen about her looks, can't imagine how she'll take to my camp wear when she comes along in my camper!!!
So let the year begin!!! Bring it on!!!!

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