Thursday, November 4, 2010

Back at it!

It's been several days since I felt drawn to write. For the past three days it has rained almost without stopping. That gave me a chance to stay indoors and one day actually took a pajama day. Sounds rather funny since I can take a pj day any or every day, but this was one of my first since coming to Costa Rica.

Yesterday, Freckles, Mike,Coley and I went into Liberia, the thriving metropolis. It is unlike any experience I've ever encountered. Most of my trips to foreign countries I stayed at the hotel, shopped in all the tourists spots, and took the tour trips when offered. This was shopping for the sake of replenishing or furnishing, not just shopping for pleasure. We got on the road about 10:30 and got home about 6:30. Since I'm not a shopper, it was an extremely long day for me. I did, however, enjoy the company and we ate at a really good Chinese restaurant , where our order was taken by a tico (What the Costa Ricans call themselves) waitress. It seemed odd to be eating really tasty Chinese food, but no asian people in site. As we left the restaurant, we did pass a little Chinese woman who wished us a "good day". We figured she was probably the cook. I'm sure we will go back for more.

The money here is called "colones" and when you see a price that says 32,000 colones, that's about $64.00; or 1000 colones is about $2.00. It take a little getting used to when you see such high numbers on prices. To take a cab from in town back to our condo costs us $1000 colones.
They also include the tax and the tip, sales tax is about 13% and when you go out to eat they add not only the 13% but also the 10% tip. Many of the prices for food and drinks are fairly reasonable for that very reason.

Tonight is Thursday, ladies night at Zi's. Coley is in the process of getting ready while I type this. I'm opting out. I had a most relaxing day in which I slept until about 8:15 am, got up and Coley had the coffee going already. Got my Kindle out to read, sat on the porch, sipping coffee, and talking to Coley. About 11:00 am, Coley went to the pool and I sat on the porch reading. About 12:30 she went to lunch with Freckles and Trish and I got ready to get into the pool. I had the entire pool to myself, so I did some exercizes and entertained myself. At one point, I was floating on my back and looking up at the sky, and I saw for the first time a double rainbow that seemed to be circling the sun. I can't decide if this is normal, because it's not the first "circle" rainbow I've seen. Is it because we are so close to the equator that rainbows appear to circle the sun, or is it all the rain/moisture in the air. Whatever it is, it was such a delight! Just after spotting the rainbows, Coley came back and I pointed it out to her as well. Then I talked her into getting back in the pool to play ball with me. I beat her at "horse", our version being to get the ball inside the pool ring.

So, off I go again! Coley is about ready to leave and I'm almost ready to climb into bed to read again. This is the life!!

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