Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just another day!!

In the morning, I often sit at my dining room table, enjoying my first cup of coffee, reading something in my Kindle and then gazing out of the window to watch the birds gather food for their morning meal. Just beyond my camper, is an area with several trees encircled by day lilies. It's so very peaceful being able to start my day in silence with only the sound of birds singing in the distance. The eastern sun is directly behind me as I look towards the flowers. I feel as if I'm in a campground, savoring the beauty of nature when in reality I'm in my sister's backyard.
On Sunday, for dinner, we made hobo packs. What is that you might ask, which is what I said as well. It's a pack of food placed in aluminum foil with whatever meat you'd like to eat, anything from steak, hamburgers, chicken or pork, cut into smaller pieces about two inches wide to make sure everything cooks at the same time. Cut up potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, or again whatever vegetables you like. Put plenty of butter chips in on top, season with your favorite seasonings, and wrap the aluminum foil up so the juices don't get out. Then place on top of your charcoal or gas grill, turning occasionally to keep from burning, and cook for about 40 minutes. For a real picnic treat, serve on top of newspaper on the picnic table and let everyone eat out of the tinfoil. A great one-dish meal. Really fun to do as a group, since everyone can make their own hobo pack the way they'd like it. I bet Coley and I will be doing this one in Costa Rica, so look out Mike and Freckles, you'll be doing it with us, I'm sure!!!
Had a really good time last night, playing rummy with Jenny and my nephew, Joseph, who's 14. Jenny made a last minute surge and won the game. Then we played a game called "garbage". I remember playing this card game many years ago, but had forgotten the rules. You deal 10 cards to each player, and they arrange them face down. The dealer turns a card over from the deck and the first player can either use that card or draw. Kings and Queens are dead cards and Jacks are wild. The first player to turn over all 10 cards, starting with the Ace and continuing to 10 is the winner. Then the next that player gets 9 cards and the other players get 10 cards. Play continues until a player has only one card dealt to him or her and the first player to get the Ace to turn over their one card is the winner. Sometimes you'll have 5 cards dealt and the others will have anywhere from 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 cards they are playing with. I'm happy to report I won, although Joseph and I were both down to one card.
As I stepped out the back door, headed to my camper, this was what the night sky looked like. All pink and purple, stunningly beautiful. I hope your days and nights are filled with the beauty of nature and God's handywork. Blessings to all!!!

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