Sunday, July 24, 2011


Here's another great thing about being retired, I can get up and go whenever I like, wherever I like and not have to check my calendar, or ask for time off, or worry about how long to stay. WOW!!! this is great.
I decided to travel back to Memphis last Tuesday so I could be available to attend the send-off luncheon of one of my dear friends, Lisa, who is moving with her family to Springfield, Missouri.
Lisa joined our book study group about two years ago and made quite an impression on all of us with her very inquisitive mind and questions. She helped all of us to go deeper into our understanding of whatever we were reading. And she did it with her radiant smile and open-hearted connectedness. While she was in the group she became certified in a process called the Lifeline technique or Infinite Love and Gratitude. Lisa and I both went to the first meeting held in Memphis and out of that meeting sprang a monthly "healers" group that brought in various people to share the work they were doing.
Lisa also became interested in firewalking and participated in one of the last firewalks I held in the Memphis area. It was such an intense group, with very intense work being done, that almost everyone who walked the fire that night received a "kiss". Lisa and I both received a pretty powerful "kiss" on our feet, but in a couple of days we were back to normal.
Hey, for all you cooks out there, I had a soup recently called "hoppin' john". It consisted of black-eyed peas, ground beef, a little spicy sausage, with rice and I believe a roux to give it a hearty beef flavor. Absolutely delicious and this is one I'll be trying out on Mike and Freckles when I get back to Costa Rica, so get ready you two!!!
I just finished preparing dinner for Carolyn, Glynn and myself which will go into the oven about 4:30pm. I made a dish my friend, Shelia, created for her children called "chicken sh_t". Don't ask me why she called it that, but in honor of her, I've made it several times. I call it the perfect one dish meal and today I added broccoli and corn to the chicken, covered with cornbread stuffing. Yum, yum!!!!
Everyone is gone and I have the house to myself. I've had conversations with Jenny, who is still in alot of pain, but managed to have a wonderful sleep on Friday night. Also, spoke with Sandy and the BHAD trial went very well. Tomorrow is her birthday, so please give her a shout and wish her many happy days to come!!! My favorite puppy, Maggie Rose, left yesterday for her new home. She had her own seat on the airline and is going to be called Luci. I hope to be able to see pictures of her as she grows up, what a cutie!!!
To all you cuties, not to be confused with cooties, stay well and enjoy each day!!! I send love and hugs to all!!!!

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