Monday, February 13, 2012


This weekend I spent the most delightful time with my friend, D, relaxing and enjoying some delicious home cooking. I arrived on Saturday afternoon, and from the moment I got here, all my needs were met. I spent the entire weekend in pajamas, lounging in the living room, imbibing on Pinot Grigio, and enjoying such dishes as grilled skewers of pork, red peppers, onions, baked potatoes, salad greens with avocado, homemade quiche with broccoli and homemade pizza crust with pesto, boudain (from New Orleans) and various cheeses.
I KNOW!!!! How great is that!!!! D really did it up right. The best part of the two nights I was here happened on Sunday evening. D had prepared a room for us, and had gotten out her gallebeas (sp?) which are the traditional form of dress in Egypt. Once we donned our garb, she began to light the candles while inviting in the the 14 Angels associated with the Essene teachings, the teachings of Jesus. First, a candle for the Heavenly Father, and the Angels of Eternal Life, Work, Peace, Power, Love and Wisdom. Then the Earthy Mother and the Angels of Earth, Life, Joy, Sun, Water and Air. Once the candles were lit, D asked me to do the opening prayer and then we settled into the chant: Om Shreem Maha Lakshmi Yay, Namaha. This is a totally different chant than I'm usually chanting.
D and I sat there across from each other, and moved into the energy of opening our voices. The really cool part was when our voices began to resonate with each other, and I told D it felt like she was breathing into me and I was breathing into her. TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!
We came out of the room, after finishing up, and D made the homemade pizzas. Here she is with her baby, Delia, a 15 year old min-pin, with only three legs. Delia's trying to guilt her Mom into giving her some pizza. I don't know how anyone could ignore this sweet little face.
What a great weekend!!!! I am so blessed to have friends like this in my life.
Today I travel to Bartlett, about 30 minutes from D's house, to pet-sit for a couple of cairn terriers.
Blessings to each of you!!!

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