Saturday, December 31, 2011


First things first. Early this morning I received a phone call from my friend, Shelia. Her long-time companion, Maya, transitioned today. Shelia was sobbing on the phone and asked if I could come out and take care of the house and dogs where she is pet-sitting and I told her I certainly could and I'd be there directly.
This was the first thing I saw as I walked through the door to go into the house. I'm "suffering" through being in this palatial estate. My feelings are "somebody has to do it!!!" So I'm muddling through. Shelia has gone back to her home to be with the family. Her partner, Chris, called and said Jared, the grandson, is still pretty upset about it and Betty, Chris' Mom, has been very upset by it as well. For all of us, Maya was part of the family for nearly 15 years, a Tankersley through and through, meaning she knew she was a princess and expected to be treated as one. Rest in peace sweet baby!!! I know you're playing with Sedona and Inca, having shed that old, cumbersome body for the light, playful one.
As I came into the house from the pool area, this beautiful wall is just inside the door. There's beautiful stone fireplaces in every room, including the bathroom. Gosh this is so hard!!!! I get to live in the lap of luxury for the entire month of January.
Tonight is New Year's Eve. As I reflect on the past year, I am ever so grateful for having had the opportunity to really enjoy my first complete year of retirement exactly as I had envisioned, living and traveling in my own "home on wheels". I traveled through and stayed in Mississippi, Georgia, North Carolina, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, Massachusetts, Maine, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Alabama and back to Tennessee. Not too bad for the first year!!!
Shelia and I were supposed to do a ceremony tonight, but we've now postponed it until tomorrow. Tonight I'll be thinking about my goals for this New Year, offering up prayers for my loved ones and sending gratitude to all of you who've opened your hearts and homes to me this year!!! If today was the last day I had to be on this Earth, there would be no regrets whatsoever, only a sense of having lived my best life (this is what Oprah speaks about)!!! As I said to my friend, Magnolia, I love living large in the world, the entire world!!! This coming year will be no exception!!! I wish all of you the joy of following your Spirit, the expansiveness of keeping your heart open, the courage of walking your talk, and the enthusiasm to continue to seek the magic and miracles in every moment!!!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011


For most of you, Christmas came and went. For me, I'm still celebrating! I have a wonderful ex-mother-in-law who invited me over for Christmas dinner on Monday. Here she is with her beautiful Christmas tree and her companion, Tinker Bell, the sweetest Rat Terrier. You can't see the star at the top of the tree, but it's a beautiful stainglass-looking star that Tish says is even older than her children who are my age, 60.
Although her son and I divorced in the mid-70's, she and I still continue to get together throughout the year. For dinner she made ham, deviled eggs, two types of congealed salads, one with black cherries and one with mandarin oranges, chili, a swiss cheese bread, chili cashews, ranch oyster crackers, stuffed celery with homemade pimento cheese, olives, homemade guacamole salad with chips, and, a delicious drink with cranberry juice, ginger ale and orange juice. For dessert I had my choice of cheese cake, pecan pie or cherry pie. I had the cheese cake. Tish is a remarkable cook even though she lost her sense of taste over twenty years ago.

For every holiday, Tish decorates her table appropriately. So the table looked so festive. You can see how very colorful it was. She also gave me a beautiful blouse in hues of blues. I'm going to wear it tonight when we get together for dinner and the movie, War Horse.
Speaking of movies, I've been to see The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and also the new Sherlock Holmes movie. Both of them are really good. I read the book for the first movie and they changed the ending a little, but Daniel Craig is so good as the journalist and Rooney Mara gives an amazing performance as the girl. I've watched both the Swedish version (sub-titled) and this one, and the lead actress in both does such an incredible job playing the part of a young woman with a difficult past trying to make her way in the world when it seems as if the whole world is against her. The new Sherlock Holmes movie was really good, in fact, I believe I enjoyed it even more than the first. I still love the interaction between Robert Downey, Jr., and Jude Law. What made this one a little more interesting was a piece I heard on NPR about the actor playing the role of Prof. Moriarty, Jarrod Harris. He happens to be the son of Richard Harris, A Man Called Horse, and played Albus Dumbledore in the first two Harry Potter movies. Go see them both, you won't be disappointed.
See you at the movies!!!! Until then...

Monday, December 26, 2011


WOW!!!!Has it really been over a week since I last posted. What a really great week!!! This picture to the left was the living room/bedroom where I spent two nights. This is Shelia and Chris' home decorated for the coming event. They also had a beautiful white tree, which you can see a little of, however, it was much more beautiful than this little snippet shows.

I came back from Mentone to help facilitate the chanting of the Gayatri Mantra on Wednesday night. Shelia and I had invited the Mentone 8 for a reunion/Christmas gathering in Beth's home next door to Shelia's. This is the group of women who all traveled from Memphis to Mentone to participate in Edwene Gaines' October workshop and firewalk. It's me on the far left, Judy, Sally (behind), Beth (in front), Marty (behind), Shelia and Deliece. Our friend, Kim, could not make it, but she was definitely there in spirit. We'd each brought a little dish to share and after the chant we did a little Santa giveaway while we ate and drank. Deliece made a drink called "Winter Solstice" which had pear nectar infused with rosemary, and Grand Marnier liquor. She poured it in the glass with a sprig of rosemary. It was quite delicious!
I spent Christmas Eve with my friend, Bev's, family in Southaven. Bev wasn't able to come home but the dinner was awesome. We had finger foods, but they were delectable. We had stuffed mushrooms, shrimp stuffed filo cups, ham sandwiches with swiss and a mustard poppy seed dressing, two kinds of cranberry sauce, two cheese trays, ambrosia and miniature fudge brownies with a peppermint frosting.
I spent part of the day with my friend, Deliece, having Bailey's and coffee and ham and cheese omelets. Later I headed for a pet-sitting job where I open my gifts and spent the rest of the day in my pj's vegging in front of the telly. It felt so good to finally be taking a chill pill after so much traveling. So color me out of here!!! Back to being a vegetable!!! Hope all of you had a joy-filled Christmas and are preparing for the celebration to bring in the New Year and all that holds for each of us!!!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


My last night at Magnolia's we had a sunset beyond description. It looked like the hills were on fire!!! This picture gives you an idea of how awe -inspiring it was. As my friend, Lynn, would say, "C, it's glorious!!!" It's now two days later and I can still feel the gloriousness of watching this beautiful unfoldment of an event that occurs every evening.

I am once again with my dear friends, Cathy and Ted at Heartwood. Today, the weather hit in the low 60's so we decided to drive over to Lake Guntersville and the RV Park they've bought into. It's sits right on the lake and has everything to offer, including a youth activity center, both indoor and outdoor pools, tennis courts, shuffle board, miniature golf and an activity center where they play bingo, bunco and many games. There was a table of 4 women and 1 man getting ready to play cutthroat "Hand and Foot". Mom, do you know what this means? I had a great conversaton with them and they told me anytime I want to come and play, that they are there nearly every day. So, I'm filing that away for the next time I'm up this way. I believe next year I can make that happen, bring my camper up here!!! Any takers on a road trip????

Here's the happy couple standing in front of my Christmas tree. OK, maybe it's not my tree, but I'm sure if I had one it would be this beautiful. This was taken in the lodge at Lake Guntersville State Park. We decided to stop in and have a bite to eat for lunch.

The picture above was taken while standing on the deck at the lodge looking out to Lake Guntersville. Just to the right of this picture, about 5 miles from the lodge is where they have their RV site.

I've so enjoyed being here. We've relaxed every evening, I've had time in the morning, and before going to bed, to read, and, Cathy and I have had some good in-depth conversations about working on our "stuff". Ted continues to support both of us by being there in a multitude of small ways, not the least of which is making "Ted bread" for me while I'm here. I did get to help with this endeavor by coming by their house, when I first arrived on the mountain, by coming by and stirring the "starter" for him.

Hope all of you are moving toward the holidays with ease and joy!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I've spent the past several days with my friend, Magnolia Rose Butterfly. She's a freak!!!! We have had such a special time together relaxing, listening to music, eating, drinking and just making Merry!!!

When I first met Maggie she was called Sherrie. Then she walked on fire with me and she became Magnolia Rose Butterfly. She is an earth mother and loves being outdoors with plants and flowers, or indoors cooking up one of her many wonderful recipes. People in Mentone, Chattanooga, St. Elmo, Valleyhead and other places in Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee call on her to "magnoliatize" their homes and offices. She does all of it with great love.

Last night, we had a beautiful sunset and were able to sit in the rocking chairs with our toddies enjoying. Our friend, Robert, came by. I was so happy to see him again. He had gotten seriously ill with heart problems about two years ago and was not expected to live. Doesn't he look great!!!! Had a fun evening consulting the Osho Zen Tarot and the I Ching. For me personally, my question was whether or not it was in my Highest and Best Interest to pursue the El Camino. I got a resounding yes, and for those of you who know my power number, the message was the number 4 hexagram in the I Ching. It also confirmed for me to seek the wisdom and advice from those who have gone before me.

Off for now. Having a party tonight!!!!! Yahoo!!!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I arrived in Mentone just as Maggie was getting back from the store, perfect timing. about 3:45 pm on Satuday afternoon,.
This morning she and I went for a little drive and came across this building and I just had to take a picture of it. You know how people will name their homesteads, their houses, their cars, etc., and usually the names are something like "Sugar Shack", or "Roy's Cabin", or "Browwzing", well, you get the picture. This particular farm is called "Wormahootaboo Farm". Pretty funny!!! I'd love to hear the story behind this one!!!
This evening as I was sitting in the living room, I looked out the window to see this amazing sunset. As it progressed towards being totally set, the upper part of the sky turned grey and the horizon burst forth in a dazzling display of shades of orange and pink.
With this display of beauty before me, I selected a card from the Osho Zen Tarot deck. So, Coley, this one is for you: 2 of Water, Friendliness:
"The branches of these two flowering trees are intertwined...It is as if heaven and earth are bridged by love. But they stand individually, each rooted in the soil in their own connection with the earth. In this way they represent the essence of true friends...Their is no urgency about their connection, no neediness, no desire to change the other into something else....It is the birth of a love that is truly unconditional, without expectations or demands."
To all of you I send my love!!!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


The first time I spoke to the man my twin was planning on spending several weeks with, I found him to be communicative, friendly, easy to talk to, and I enjoyed our conversation.
I recently said to this same man "I've got my eyes on you". The expression seemed to confuse him and he asked "what does that mean?" and I said "it means I'm watching you". He then wished me a safe journey and before I could continue the conversation, his phone went dead.
The words were spoken with no malice, nor anger, nor even deep seriousness. However, my words have been construed as a mark against his integrity, and, as of this moment, he has had no further contact with her.
So, I have spent the better part of two days delving into my role in this situation. What I know to be true of me is that having been her twin for 60 years now, there is a part of me that is protective of her, and I know she feels the same towards me. Were I simply a sister, and not a twin, I believe I would still feel a sense of protectiveness, as I do with all of my sisters. Is this a bad, I don't believe it is. Does my "watching him" mean I question his integrity, not in the slightest. For me, it simply means "I've got her back!!!!" My sister has been through alot over the past year or more. I know she is somewhat fragile right now (my words, not hers) and my concern for her is only to be available should she need me for anything. I also know she is totally capable of taking care of herself and has never needed me to take care of her, but she knows I'm here for her and I know she is there for me.
My twin feels as if she has been put in the middle. For that I am sorry!!! Would I change anything, probably not. Would I do anything to make the situation better, if I could, yes. However this unfolds, I know in my heart this, too, shall pass and everything is in Divine order. I love my twin and wish for her the greatest happiness and the deepest love in every moment!!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011


How beautiful are the trees when they are covered in snow and ice. This was what New Mexico looked like when I left this morning. I actually got up at 7 a.m. to see about the road conditions. I learned that I-40 was closed at Clines Corner, the direction I was headed in.
About 30 minutes later the weatherman reported the expressway opened again, but for people to wait since there was a long backup of tractor-trailers, and to give them a chance to clear out. So I waited until 9:30 am to leave.

I drove for the first two hours with snow falling, however, the roads were perfect. The traffic moved along at a good speed and I made it to Tucumcari by about 12 noon. The snow apparently had been quite heavy compared to what we had gotten in Albuquerque. Aren't the trees beautiful though!!!
Unfortunately I did not get to meet Steve. He has been stranded in Nevada and probably won't be in until at least Monday evening, barring any unforeseen bad weather heading his way. Having spent the past three weeks with Coley, it was a bittersweet moment this morning as I was leaving.
I know she's disappointed not to be spending time with Steve, but I'm sure it will happen!!!
How's this for a change in landscape. Once I crossed over into Texas, absolutely no snow at all. These are some windmills around Windorado, Texas. In case you can't see them, they are the little white lines in the far distance, please use your imagination!!!!

And, finally, this cross I've seen several times. At night you can see it for miles. It's lit up and I believe it's a 19 story cross at Groom, Texas.
I landed at the Motel 6 about 7pm, ate a bite and now, as soon as I finish this, I'll be headed to bed and I hope a really good night's sleep.
My friends in Missouri said they are supposed to get freezing rain over night, so please hold me in your prayers for an easy, safe journey tomorrow.
Blessings to all!!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Yesterday, Coley, Calleen and I enjoyed an afternoon of facials. Calleen has created a number of special treatments from all natural ingredients such as coconut oil, almond butter, essential oils, well, you get the picture.
After cleansing our faces, we scrubbed them with a sugar scrub made out of brown sugar, sugar, honey and another ingredient I'm not sure about.
Moving on though, we then did a mask with bentonite clay which you see here. This was incredibly nice, it got really tight and my pores looked amazing afterwards. Then we cleaned this off, and used witch hazel as an astringent followed by a moisturizer and a cucumber eye gel. We felt great afterwards. Calleen is going to copy the recipes for Coley and I so we can create our own facial products. Shelia, you and I just might be doing this in January, so get ready!!!
Last night we went over to Kitty and Chuck's for a pot-luck dinner. It was supposed to be for my last night here, however, the weather is not cooperating. We had snow last night and part of I-40 has been closed just east of Albuquerque. It has also kept Steve from being able to get back home to meet Coley. This is the guy she met on-line and they are supposed to spend this month together, so she's really disappointed it hasn't happened yet.
Here's a picture of Kitty, far left, with Coley, me, and Calleen. We had a wonderful evening, along with Georgia, Pete, and Chuck eating homemade chili, cornbread, salad, and pretzel salad,with a wonderful peach cobbler for dessert. The snow started about 10pm and was so beautiful.
We got up this morning and everything was covered with white. It's not mostly melted as the temperature continues to rise. If it keeps clear I will probably leave sometime either tomorrow or Monday morning for sure, headed for Missouri. Keep your fingers crossed. LTA!!!!