Thursday, September 15, 2011


Cathy, Ted and I headed from Ellsworth, Maine back to Saco around 11 a.m. We decided to take Route 1, which tends to follow the coastline of Maine from North to South. We stopped in Brunswick, Maine to have lunch at the Lions Pub.
Here are some posters which graced the walls. This pub had 36 beers on tap, from all over the world.
How about this little guy, looks like he's enjoying the brewski!!!

And, here's one of my favorite titles. I'll take a Smuttynose, please!!!!
Back in Saco enjoying a relaxing evening. Cathy is working on her computer and Ted is watching Jeopardy. We are all pretty tired from our trip, so this evening is about everyone taking care of their own needs, including getting your own food.
Love to all!!!!

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