Sunday, September 18, 2011


Yesterday, the day started a little on the rocky side, no pun intended. Lynn, Judy and I started our evening of drink off at 3pm (at my suggestion I'll admit). Lynn and I were drinking gin martinis and Judy was having her margaritas.
How many drinks we had, I have no idea, but Lynn said "C, I'm impressed you kept up with me, drink for drink!" Probably not the wisest choice I've made in a long time.
When I "staggered" out of bed at 9:30 am, I was still wobbly. If I bent over to pet Jacques, I nearly fell on my face, that's how bad I still felt. Fortunately, after several cups of coffee, something to eat and a nice, longgggggg hot shower, I was starting to feel human again.
So Lynn says "C, are you up for a hike?" "Sure!!!?", although I wasn't as sure as I expressed. We headed out for Bradbury Mountain State Park, about 15 to 20 minutes from their house. The hike up the mountain was a mile in length and it was a small challenge for me, especially since I had not fully gained my equilibrium from drinking all that gin. But up we went and these are the pictures I took at the top. As you look down towards Cumberland, it looks like there's a vast forest below, and very few houses appeared. We sat up there for about 40 minutes then headed back down. So all in all, I hiked 2 miles yesterday. And, I was exhausted last night.
For dinner, Lynn cooked the most delicious steaks out on the grill and Judy made her famous green bean casserole. She adds a secret ingredient that makes it taste really yummy (I learned from Lynn the secret ingredient is cheddar cheese). We also had lettuce with bleu cheese dressing. The dinner was scrumptious!!! Today, Judy has gone for a 13 mile run, in preparation for a half marathon she's running in October. Lynn and I are doing the brunch food, eggs, bacon, home fries and fruit salad along with champagne to drink.

Hope your Sunday is as delightful as mine!!!!

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