Monday, September 19, 2011


Just a couple more pictures of Lynn and Judy's new house. To the right is a two car garage with the doors obviously painted yellow. To the left of the garage is the room below, their sunroom. Coley, I thought about you when I saw the sunflowers. I'm like you, I love sunflowers, they always look so "sunny".
Just to the left of the sunroom, as you're looking at the front of the house, is the kitchen/dining room, and off that is the living room, beginning at the yellow door. There's a guest room and bathroom off the living room, and Lynn and Judy have their offices, master bedroom and full bath on the second floor.
This sunroom is where Jacques stays when Lynn and Judy are at work. I must say, Jacques didn't take to me immediately, but then one of my dearest friends, Alpha, didn't take to me immediately either. I guess I take some getting used to. I will say that by the end of my three day stay with L & J, Jacques was getting alot cozier with me.

This is one of my favorite pictures of him. He usually has one ear that stays up and one that flops over. Judy says he only listens half ass, and Lynn says he hears the squirrels and birds, not the ear that flops down is the one he doesn't listen to Lynn with.
When they got Jacques from the rescue group, Mainers pronounce Jacques like Jakes, and Lynn said he couldn't use his name in front of the rescue people because he didn't want to embarrass anyone by pronouncing is the French way. So, anyway, Jacques loves the find the sun and lay down in the middle of it.

And here is Judy and Jacques playing his favorite game, frisbee. Look at that form, the same flowing movement, and this is one time Judy actually threw it straight (ha!, Judy, got ya!!!)
I had an awesome time with this delightful couple. We are all so alike, and so easy to be with. We literally spent the entire time (except for moments when we needed fresh air!) eating, drinking, relaxing, watching old movies, and listening to jazz music. Oops! Except when Lynn was making his most fabulous red sauce and we got inspired by his Dean Martin music!!!
I'm sending Lynn and Judy and Jacques, great BIG HUGS!!! Thanks again for such a great getaway!!! Already looking forward to our next get together!!!

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