Thursday, September 22, 2011


WHEW!!!!! What a day!! What a trek!! I left Pine Valley RV Park at 6:45 a.m. to begin my journey to my sister's house. After checking out the Garmin and talking to my two experts, my sister and brother-in-law, I decided to travel a "little" out of my way in order to avoid going through the New York City area. If I had traveled the way of the Garmin, I would have arrived at Sandy and Tom's by 3:40 p.m., about an 8.5 hour drive.
So I headed through the State of Massachusettes, a really wide State I might add. Here I am la la la la la, driving down the highway, "on the road again, can't wait to get on the road again...", my favorite Willie Nelson song. Driving through really beautiful wooded land, rolling hills, headed to Albany, New York, looking to connect with an Interstate system that would take me down south of New York City.
Here's the only picture I could get of some of the leaves turning. As you can see, there's not much color yet, but when it happens, it happens in a big way. So I continue my trek.

I have now crossed over into New York State, this bridge takes me across the Hudson River. I'm thinking when I get to Albany, I'll be able to hit the Interstate I'm looking for and be headed south. I even, at one point, pull off the side of the road to look at my road atlas, just to make sure I'm on the right "path". Then I discover in order to get to the road I want I need to drive to Schenectady, New York, about another 75-100 miles further west.
I make the executive decision to get on I-87 to start heading south, and what happens... I end up traveling right through New York City. So the long and the short of it is, I went about 150 miles out of my way to end right back where I started in the first place. So I ended up at Sandy's at 7:15 pm, and had to unpack in the dark. Oh, well!!! Another adventure, and I did get to see some beautiful country, including upstate New York. Came through the Catskills and passed Bear Mountain, which I've been to before. I'm now in Delaware, again!!! At this moment taking a break from life, relaxing in the recliner with my pajamas on!!! Does life get any better than that?!

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