Thursday, October 6, 2011


Just a quick note to let everyone know I will be out of pocket for the next few days.
Tomorrow morning I will be traveling with six other women from Memphis. We're headed to Valleyhead, Alabama to participate in a women's empowerment workshop facilitated by my spiritual mentor, Rev. Edwene Gaines.
We begin the workshop on Friday evening and we conclude with a firewalk on Sunday evening.
It's been over a year since I last walked on fire. I'm very excited about being with some old friends and having the opportunity to re-energize myself with the spirit of the fire.
One of my dear friends, Beth Franklin, is coming up from Birmingham. Beth was with me when I traveled to Glastonbury, England in 1995 for my very first firewalk with Edwene. That experience transformed my life, and continues to do so.
Off I go. I'll be back in Memphis on Monday afternoon and I'll check in then. Hold me in your thoughts and prayers. Even though I've walked on fire hundreds of times, it's still something I hold a healthy respect for.
Love you all!!!

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