Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up and realized I had been writing my blog in my dream state. What I was writing was a comparison of where I was at this time last year, and where I am now.
Last year, at exactly this time of the month, I was in Costa Rica experiencing my life as a retired person. I had arrived at the end of the rainy season and discovered I didn't know squat about humidity, even though I had lived in Memphis for 40 years. Trust me, the humidity here is nothing compared to the humidity at the equator. I thought I was going to die!!!
Fortunately, I did not die and I did learn how to do absolutely nothing for about 5 months. Once I learned the rhythm of doing nothing, I felt really relaxed and moved through the days and weeks with an easy grace. My twin and I learned how to live together and to move through our days in a flowing ease, each living individually and also communally, as if we had danced this dance many times before.
Now, one year later, I'm living in my camper, finally back at Sardis Lake in Mississippi. What I learned a year ago has served me well. I've found myself living for days without leaving my comfortable surroundings within my beautiful Sunnybrook. The picture to the left was taken on my way back to the campsite. This was at Como, Mississippi. The feeling is exquisitely serene, much like what I feel as I awaken each morning to begin my new day.
I won't be returning to Costa Rica this winter, but I will be putting my camper up for a few months and "bunking" with friends until sometime in February or March. I know I will miss having my own space and my own solitude, but I am looking forward to being in the company of dear friends and my loving family. I believe I'll be experiencing many pajama days in the days and weeks to come.
Anyone want to join me? Come on over, wear your favorite pj's and be prepared to kick back!!!
Might even entertain having some "denial" time, so look out Memphis, here I come!!!!

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