Sunday, October 2, 2011


My last evening at Sandy and Tom's, Sandy brought home a 10-week old Jack Russell Terrier. Here he is playing with Dax. The funny thing about these two was the little guy really didn't care that Dax outweighed him by 60 lbs. They got into a tug-of-war with one of Dax's favorite toys. Sandy said "I can see Dax slinging his head and tossing the puppy across the room." Believe the puppy held on for dear life. What a trip it was watching these two play. Dax has no idea how big he is compared to the little one. Unfortunately, the next day, the owner of the terrier called to say her kids really missed the puppy and she wasn't able to let him go. Probably great news for Sandy and Tom, since Dax is alot of puppy to handle right now.
I'm back at Sardis Lake. I drove for nearly twelve hours on Friday and made it to Crossville, Tennessee before I gave up the ghost. I slept in my camper that night at the Cumberland Co. rest stop. It was really cold and I ended up leaving the next morning at 5:20 a.m. I got to the lake about 11:30 a.m., Smitty met me to help get the camper set up and then I left to drive to Germantown, Tennessee for a pet-sitting job.
Today, I'm a slug!!!! It's 11:30 in the morning and I'm still in my pj's. Believe me, by 6 p.m. tonight, I will still be in my pj's. It feels so good not to have to drive somewhere and to be able to kick back and relax, really relax!!!
To my friends, Bob and Linda, Judy and Lynn, Cathy and Ted, thanks for some great memories!!! To my sisters, Jenny and Sandy, thanks for putting up with me for so long. I had a great time being able to be with you for more than just a few days or a few hours. And to Larry and Tom, my brothers-in-law, you're the best!!! Larry and I got quite adept at emptying the "honey pot" and I so appreciate all his help. Tom, despite your comments to the contrary, I know you're missing me right about now. Really did enjoy my time I spent with both of you.
So , here is where I'm at for now, and here is where I'll be for the next few weeks. If you're in the area, please drop by my campsite, #59 at Sardis Lake. Would love to have the company!!!!

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